The Map and the Territory - Houellebecq
When people recommend books or films, they often add a caveat. "It's hard work, dark, not really fun, but read it because it's good, like taking cod liver oil." With The Map and the Territory, there's no caveat: it's a substantial book and a great read. This is the first novel by Michel Houellebecq that I have read. I understand that he was considered a real l'enfant terrible, but I'm not familiar with this. His early books apparently were marinated in explicit sex, but there is not a single kiss in this one. So, I read it with no expectations, but either way I strongly recommend it.
The story is about a painter, his life and artistic journey. But, the book is about Art, Architecture, Friendship, Fathers-and-sons, Aging, and is chock full of wonderful insights on all of these topics. If I have one small qualm it is about the use of a conceit that has been frequently seen in novels over the past decade: the painter meets a famous author...Michel
Houellebecq . However, a plot twist at the end of the novel adds an intriguing aspect to this. The Map and the Territory has great writing, is well translated, and explores cultural & human issues of importance.'s fun to read.
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