D & I took our belated honeymoon to Italia and had a great trip. Picture perfect weather for all day walking tours of Firenze & Perugia. D's favorite was San Marco's frescoes by Fra Angelico, gems of the early Renaissance. In Perugia she encouraged me to explore the school I attended in 1973, L'Universita per Stranieri, and we found my classrooms, wow, memory lane!! We both loved the magical narrow streets & steps of medieval Perugia. Trip highlights: the Uffizi, Brunelleschi's S. Spirito, Perugia's Arco Etrusco (oldest known arch in Europe), S.S. Apostoli (a tiny OLD church in Firenze), S. Trinita's Ghirlandaio, S. Lorenzo's Michelangelo sculptures, S. Michele Arcangelo (an ancient church in Perugia, converted from a Roman temple, which I have dreamt about for 35 years!), Brunelleshci's Pazzi Chapel, S. Maria Novella's wild Fillipino Lippo frescoes, Brancaci chapel's Massacio & wandering up down the steep stairs of Perugia's narrow streets.
Hi Greg... it's D's friend Ann Tracy... the post is great... sounds like you two had a marvelous trip...
and congrats for commissioning that piece for Montage! want to trade links on our blogs? http://anntracy.blogspot.com/
take care
So happy you had this great trip - honeymoon.
We just arrived home from a transatlantic cruise to Ireland, France and UK.
Hi Greg,
What a surprise to hear that you and Debbie were in Perugia the week after we left there! Stephan, Annie & I were there for a week-long yoga workshop. Funny coincidence. THought I'd let you know. Be well.
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