
Saturday, November 17, 2007

Accidents in the Home

I bought Tessa Hadley's novel a couple of years ago and just got to it. Not exactly what I remembered: families, divorces, divorces, new families, aspirations. After a slow start: some wonderful vignettes, particularly one in which an aging potter worries that his third wife will discover that on some unnamed day his ability and desire to create wonderful things just evaporated into the wind, and he did not really care.


cecily crossman said...

Greg, thanks for reminding us that some of the accidents at home happen in our heads and hearts.

Sheri Riley said...

I don't know you but I applaud you. Plus, with C.C. as your mentor you cannot go wrong. I look forward to reading more.

Greg said...

Hi Sheri, thank for your note. Are you a friend of Cecily?