This is a great piece of chamber music. It
is complex, beautifully structured, and
has some gorgeous string passages that use the tonal/dissonance motif. This beauty
comes without sentimentality, which of course gives it all the more impact. The
wonderful tone of the Orion String Quartet and the superb playing of renowned
clarinetist, David Shifrin, were perfect for it. The piece was co-commissioned by La Jolla Music Society. I was able to chat with Kernis at
intermission and encouraged him to seek a recording of this piece. He was
accompanied by his wife and three young children, which I found delightful. I asked
his son, a cellist perhaps 10 years old, how he liked his father's piece. "It's the best thing
ever." I agree.
And, my thanks again to the SFCMF and their donors for all of these commissions!
And, my thanks again to the SFCMF and their donors for all of these commissions!