
Sunday, July 13, 2008

Finally Quest Pix

We also finally got some photos from Jessica's winter Quest trip in the Canadian mountains, 11 days of backpacking on skis and living in the snow.

Jessica's Birthday

We enjoyed a great visit with Jessica, her second time home in 18 frakkin' months! She looked great, very healthy, and very mature. We had a nice gathering for her 18th birthday. She's completed her high school academics but returned to school to finish "the program". This week she does the five day Pinnacle, which is an intensive group with lots of emotional work and little sleep. Then, she is off for the Gift Trip, which is two weeks of community service at a facility for adults with mental handicaps. In mid-August we gather in the little town-next-to-the-middle-of-nowhere for her graduation, hooray! We are all glad this journey is coming to an end, and proud of Jessica for all her hard work. The adjustments to college life should be a snap, and in fact day-to-day life a lot easire: no kitchen crew, no farm crew, no barn crew!